Northern Kentucky Attorneys Defending Against Homicide Charges
A conviction Northern Kentucky for Murder, First and Second Degree Manslaughter and Reckless Homicide may well result in a lifetime behind bars in the Kentucky penitentiary system.
A charge of Murder may be a capital offense, carrying the death penalty under certain circumstances.
Prosecuting attorneys will pursue these types of charges with a determined vengeance, for obvious reasons. In their eyes, the accused individual is always guilty, and they will endeavor to put that individual behind bars for as long as possible.
An Experienced Northern Kentucky Criminal Defense Attorney is a Necessity
Only a lawyer who has extensive experience with Murder, First and Second Degree Manslaughter and Reckless Homicide charges will have any chance of securing the best possible outcome in these types of criminal cases.
Hesitating to hire a skilled criminal defense attorney in this type of matter can severely impact the outcome of the case. Hiring the wrong criminal defense lawyer will be disastrous. You will lose critical time that a criminal defense attorney could use to secure valuable evidence and crucial information that can to be used in the accused person's defense.
"Jeffrey and Trisha have been lifesavers... if you want a power team, have them represent you!"Dave M.
"Trish & Jeff really fight for their clients. I know I don't want anyone else defending me."Theresa F.
"They were great at communication and ultimately did get the best possible outcome."Liz T.

Call us now at (859) 715-0466 or click below to contact us online.

Murder, First and Second Degree Manslaughter and Reckless Homicide Defense Strategy
The risk is extremely high for someone facing charges of Murder, First and Second Degree Manslaughter and Reckless Homicide. An attorney taking on such a case must be willing mount a relentless defense from the moment they are retained is retained.
The Criminal Defense attorneys at The Brunk Law Firm, PLLC have years of courtroom experience in the field of criminal law, including cases involving Murder, First and Second Degree Manslaughter and Reckless Homicide.
The primary goal is to minimize exposure to punishment. That may involve working to eliminate or reduce the most serious charges; or presenting evidence of mistaken identity or self defense. Regardless of your situation, we work tirelessly to craft the strongest defense position possible.
The Criminal Defense attorneys at The Brunk Law Firm, PLLC will give you the honest assessment you need when you’re facing serious charges that could impact your future and your freedom.
Experienced Attorneys
We've been practicing for over 20 years, and we're equally comfortable in the courtroom or at the settlement table.
Aggressive Representation
We fight fiercely for our clients, committed to the highest standards of ethical practice.
Personalized Experience
We treat every client with care and respect. When you work with us, you can reach your attorney personally.
Team Approach
We pool our resources and utilize additional experts in the field in order to strategize for your case.
Whether you have questions or you’re ready to get started, our legal team is ready to help. Contact us below or call us at (859) 715-0466.